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Version: 1.0

Flight Hours Calculations and Projections

Learning Objective

To look at the various way to check current flying levels, and to forecast pilot availability

Via the Flight & Duty Display

The Available column keeps track of how many hours are left remaining for use for each day, including future days, which are determined by the cumulative totals, and the FDP & Flight Time limits set up in the FTL Rulesets. A traffic light coluring system is used to indicate when hours available are becoming low. (Red <= 2hours, Orange <= 4 hours, otherwise Green)

Crew Inspector

Via the Clear To Fly area

Use the PILOT HOURS menu item on the left hand drop down menu to display the current cumulative duty totals for the Pilots

Crew Inspector

Via the Mission Planner

It is possible to look at future days, and see the Crew on duty, along with their flying hours available which is in brackets after each name. Missions can be planned (using the default durations as set up in the Mission Definitions) by dragging the Mission into the planner. Drag a pilot onto the mission and double-click to save it. These will be avilable on the HCM Live! iPad App, and also the hours available will be recalculated.

Crew Inspector

Via the Forecast Tool

Click on Show Forecast, then Refresh to show the hours available projected for the next 28 days. If missions are planned, then these hours are included in the projections. Colour coding is used to highlight forecast restrictions in availability.


In this example, JHU has restricted hours. Rostered OFF days always show 0:00 hours.

Crew Inspector